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Source: Heikkinen 1986
Author: Heikkinen, Terttu
Full name: Phonology of the !Xũ, dialect spoken in Ovamboland and western Kavango.
Publisher data: In: South African Journal of African Languages (Pretoria), 6 (1), pp. 18-28.
Language(s): !Xung, Ekoka
Code(s): nkh-ekk
Description: Brief description of phonology, accompanied by an impressive vocabulary. Describes more or less the same dialect as [König & Heine 2008], with minor transcriptional and lexical differences.
Source: Heimbach 1979
Author: Heimbach, Ernest E.
Full name: White Hmong - English Dictionary.
Publisher data: Ithaca, New York: Cornell University.
Language(s): Hmong Daw
Code(s): hmo-daw
Description: Large dictionary of the Hmong Daw (White Hmong) language, based primarily on the Northern Thailand dialect.
Source: Hellenthal 2010
Author: Hellenthal, Anne-Christie
Year: 2010
Full name: A Grammar of Sheko.
Publisher data: Utrecht: LOT.
Language(s): Sheko
Code(s): diz-shk
Description: Detailed grammar of the Sheko language based on the author's own research and accompanied with a selection of texts and a representative vocabulary.
Source: Henderson 1997
Author: Henderson, Eugenie J. A.
Full name: Bwe Karen dictionary. With texts and English-Karen word list.
Publisher data: London: School of Oriental and African studies.
Language(s): Karen, Bwe
Code(s): krn-bwe
Description: An extensive dictionary of Bwe Karen, with most words accompanied by examples of usage, as well as a large collection of illustrative texts published in a separate volume. Essentially the only source of linguistic knowledge on this language so far, but a nearly exhaustive one from a lexicographical point of view.
Source: Herault 1983
Author: [Collective]
Full name: Atlas des Langues Kwa de Cote D'Ivoire. Tome 2: Listes lexicales et etudes comparatives. Sous la direction de Georges Herault.
Publisher data: Institut de Linguistique Appliquée, Université d'Abidjan.
Language(s): Abé; Abidji
Code(s): agn-abe; agn-abj
Description: The second volume of this work comprises extensive (560-item) wordlists for 16 Kwa languages, as well as various comparative sketches (but no attempts at phonetic or lexical reconstruction). Particular contributors include Jérémie Kouadio Nguessan for Abé (Abbey), and Chantal Tresbarats for Abidji.
Source: Hieda 1991
Author: Hieda, Osamu
Full name: Koegu Vocabulary, with a reference to Ka\-ra.
Publisher data: In: African Study Monographs, Suppl. 14, pp. 1-70.
Language(s): Kwegu
Code(s): srm-kwg
Description: A classified vocabulary of the Koegu (Kwegu) language (Muguji dialect), collected by the author and accompanied with the corresponding equivalents in Kara (a neighbouring Omotic language that exerts a heavy influence on modern Kwegu).
Source: Hiroki 2003
Author: Nakanishi Hiroki
Full name: A She Vocabulary.
Publisher data: Kyoto University: Institute for Research in Humanities.
Language(s): She, Lianhua
Code(s): hmo-lia
Description: A large classified Chinese-language vocabulary of the Haifeng dialect of She, collected by the author. This dialect is lexically closer to Lianhua She than to Luofu She.
Source: Hoffner & Melchert 2008
Author: H. A. Hoffner, Jr.; H. C. Melchert
Full name: A grammar of the Hittite language. Part 1: Reference grammar.
Publisher data: Winona Lake, Indiana: Eisenbrauns.
Language(s): Hittite
Code(s): ana-oht
Description: Up-to-date descriptive grammar of the Hittite language.
Source: Hofmann 1986
Author: Hofmann, Inge
Full name: Nubisches Wörterverzeichnis. Nubisch-deutsches und deutsch-nubisches Wörterverzeichnis nach dem Kenzi-Material des Samuêl Alî Hisên (1863-1927)..
Publisher data: Berlin: Dietrich Reimer Verlag.
Language(s): Kenuzi
Code(s): nub-knz
Description: A vocabulary of the Kenuzi dialect of Nubian, compiled by the author based on much earlier records of Kenuzi texts by S. Ali Hisen.
Source: Hoijer & Joël 1963
Author: Hoijer, Harry; Janet Joël
Full name: Sarsi Nouns.
Publisher data: In: Hoijer, Harry et al. (eds.). Studies in the Athapaskan Languages. (University of California Publications in Linguistics 29.) Berkeley: University of California Press, pp. 62-75.
Language(s): Sarsi
Code(s): pca-srs
Description: Short glossary of Sarsi nouns.
Source: Hoijer 1973
Author: Hoijer, Harry
Full name: Galice Noun and Verb Stems.
Publisher data: In: Linguistics 104 (1973). P. 49-73.
Language(s): Galice, Taldash
Code(s): pca-gce
Description: Short vocabularies of nominal and verbal stems of Galice (the Taldash dialect of the Galice-Applegate language).
Source: Holmer 1953
Author: Holmer, Nils M.
Full name: Seneca III.
Publisher data: In: International Journal of American Linguistics, Vol. 19, No. 4 (Oct., 1953), pp. 281-289.
Language(s): Seneca
Code(s): nir-snc
Description: A short sketch of Seneca.
Source: Honken 1977
Author: Honken, Henry
Full name: Submerged features and proto-Khoisan.
Publisher data: In: Khoisan linguistic studies 3. Ed(s): Anthony Traill. Communications from the African Studies Institute, no 6, pp. 145-169.
Language(s): ǂHoan
Code(s): hoa-hoa
Description: A comparative paper on the pronominal systems and other aspects of Proto-Khoisan. Contains, among other things, some lexical data on ǂHoan, borrowed by the author from J. Gruber's fieldnotes.
Source: Houtzagers 1985
Author: Houtzagers, H. P.
Year: 1985
Full name: The Čakavian dialect of Orlec and the island of Cres.
Publisher data: Brill.
Language(s): Chakavian, Orlec
Code(s): slv-orl
Description: The description of a Čakavian dialect with texts and dictionary.
Source: Houtzagers 1999
Author: Houtzagers, P.
Full name: The Kajkavian Dialect of Hidegség and Fertőhomok.
Publisher data: Amsterdam: Rodopi.
Language(s): Kajkavian, Burgenland
Code(s): slv-brg
Description: Description of a Kajkavian dialect with texts and dictionary.
Source: HW2
Author: Friedrich, J; Kammenhuber, A.
Full name: Hethitisches Wörterbuch. 2nd ed.
Publisher data: Heidelberg: Carl Winter Universitätsverlag. 1975-.
Language(s): Hittite
Code(s): ana-oht
Description: Extensive synchronic dictionary of the Hittite language. Ongoing edition.
Source: HYDCD
Author: Luo Zhufeng et al.
Full name: Hànyǔ dà cídiǎn [漢語大詞典]. 13 vols.
Publisher data: Shanghai: Cishu chubanshe.
Language(s): Chinese, Classical; Chinese, Late Middle; Chinese, Standard
Code(s): sin-cch; sin-mch; sin-pth
Description: Monumental dictionary of the Chinese language, covering all the stages of the literary and vernacular language; each entry and each meaning is usually accompanied with references to the source of first attestation, so that chronological stratification of the data is possible.
Source: Ibragimov 1978
Author: Ибрагимов, Г. Х.
Full name: Рутульский язык. [The Rutul Language].
Publisher data: Москва.
Language(s): Rutul, Mukhad
Code(s): lez-rum
Description: Descriptive grammar sketches and word-lists of the main Rutul dialects (Mukhad, Shinaz, Muxrek, Ixrek, Borch-Khnov).
Source: Ibragimov 1990
Author: Ибрагимов, Г. Х.
Full name: Цахурский язык. [The Tsakhur Language].
Publisher data: Москва.
Language(s): Tsakhur, Mishlesh; Tsakhur, Gelmets
Code(s): lez-tkx; lez-tkz
Description: A descriptive grammar of the Mishlesh dialect (Tsakh group; with excourses into the Mukhakh-Sabunchi and Suvagil dialects) and the Gelmets dialect (Gelmets group) of Tsakhur.
Source: Ibragimov & Nurmamedov 2010
Author: Ибрагимов, Г. Х.; Нурмамедов, Ю. М.
Full name: Цахурско-русский словарь. [Tsakhur-Russian Dictionary].
Publisher data: Махачкала.
Language(s): Tsakhur, Mishlesh
Code(s): lez-tkx
Description: A Tsakhur-Russian dictionary (based on the Tsakh dialectal group, mostly on the Mishlesh and Tsakhur-Kum dialects; some specific dialectal terms are also included, sometimes with special sigla), supplemented with a grammar sketch.
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